less than 1 minute read

I think I have devised the best way to cut veroboard tracks. It bothered me that using a cutter is tedious and not precise and often leaves small bits of copper, and a ragged edge that needs cleaning up. Using a drill bit takes way too much copper out. Both methods weaken the board.

I started using a 1.6mm round HSS lathe tool blank. Just make sure the end is square and honed. Hold it at a slight angle to the board, almost horizontal, then push it into the track. The copper will roll off like a woodchip.

It’s very easy to control, no tendency to skip or cut into the neigbouring tracks, the cut is very neat, clean, burr-free, narrow (about the width of the space between tracks).

I might make a proper handle for the round blank, but even just holding it by hand directly, it’s much better than any other method I have tried or read about.

example cuts, HSS round blank example cuts with backlight

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